Things to consider for your industrial site before going solar

Areeba Khalil Published on May 17, 2024

Going solar entails a lot of work, and if you don’t pay particular attention to some aspects of your industry, solar energy might not seem as feasible or attractive to you as it actually is. What are these factors and are there any prerequisites to actually going solar other than having an actual solar energy system installed within your premises? In this blog post, we’ll address the question of the factors that you need to consider for your industrial site before you have a solar energy company do a survey on the site and start suggesting you options for your solar energy system. Here are the things that you need to consider for your industrial site before you go solar.

There are some factors that might not make your industry or site a particularly good fit for solar energy. And even with the best solar energy company in Pakistan, Beacon Energy, on your case, if the factors aren’t conducive towards the installation of a solar energy system on your premises, then solar might not be for you. Let’s look at the factors that need to be considered for your industrial site before going solar.

Factors to keep in mind before going solar

While nearly all industries can benefit from a clean, green and efficient alternative energy source like solar, some industrial sites may not be actually a good fit. But if you want a shiny new solar energy system for your premises, here are the factors that you need to take into account before your premises can be equipped by an efficient solar energy system from the best solar company in Pakistan, Beacon Energy.

i. Sunlight exposure

While sunlight absolutely inundates all parts of the world equally, certain geographical and urban factors may allow for less sunlight to be accessible by your industrial site. Commercial and industrial zones are notorious for their constructions, which may include high rise structures like chimneys, boilers, tanks among other things. If your factory or industrial zone is located next to a high-rise structure that blocks access to sunlight, you may have to either look for an alternative place to install your solar panels or consider other options besides just plopping down a few panels on the roof of the premises.

ii. Real estate limitations

Industrial zones tend to pack in many estates and facilities within a tightly demarcated zone that limits the real estate area of certain factories and industrial facilities. And while solar energy doesn’t require much in terms of real estate, it does need a larger surface area to ideally cover more of the available sunlight exposure. This means that in order for your energy requirements to be ideally met by the solar energy system, you will need a lot of space to install the requisite number of solar panels. If you have that space, the kudos! Go ahead and get the best solar company in Pakistan Beacon Energy to install its extremely efficient solar energy system for your industry. If not, it might be time to look into alternatives like solar farms or community solar programmes.

iii. Financial constraints

Despite solar energy being the most cost-effective and efficient source of alternative energy out there, it might not be too prudent a financial decision for some companies or industrial facilities. However, that isn’t a problem now. With financing options being offered by companies like Beacon Energy and the overall cost of solar energy systems also very lucrative and affordable, now is actually the best time to go solar. Beyond just financing, historical and future trends for solar pricing have it an incredibly lucrative source of alternative energy, and with net-metering and other financial incentives, solar energy can be a really beneficial addition to the industrial and commercial sectors of Pakistan.

iv. Savings potential

Solar energy is all about savings. From its return on investment to the solar payback period, all of it hinges very delicately on solar savings.

Savings is directly proportional to both efficiency and just how energy your system is able to generate. This means that before you actually get the solar energy system on the premises, the company will have to perform a survey to gauge your energy consumption, your requirements and just how much wattage in terms of solar will be able to provide you with a noticeable benefit. With savings potential calculated and implemented for your industrial site, you will then be able to move forward with the solar energy system installation.

Beacon Energy: The best solar company in Pakistan!

These factors may not be able to sway your decision to go solar once you get the best solar company in Pakistan, Beacon Energy on your case! With an amazing portfolio of solar energy systems including the innovative INTRIX HV system, your premises will now be able to enjoy the best of solar with a modern AI-based system that monitors your system and adjusts both generation and output as per your requirements. With Beacon Energy, it doesn’t get any smarter


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