Solar Energy VS Electricity Difference and Savings

Areeba Khalil Published on July 19, 2024

Solar energy is all the hype right now, and with more and more people in Pakistan now turning towards solar as their number one source of alternative energy, its high time that some of the basic differences and the distinctions be discussed. In this blog post, we will look at the difference between solar energy and regular electricity, which will help you save more in terms of money when it comes to the positive aspects of renewable energy. Let’s start by first delineating the distinction between solar energy and electricity and then, proceed on to the savings potential of both and how these two will be able to help you pass summers comfortably and without having to resort to paying over inflated bills.

As always, we will also discuss the best solar energy company in Pakistan, Beacon Energy, and how, with its cutting-edge solar energy solutions designed for maximum efficiency, you can experience the best of solar and make the most out of this amazing source of renewable energy. With its INTRIX solar energy system, Beacon Energy is aiming to bring the best of solar to Pakistan to help the people get rid of their energy problems from the grid.

Solar Energy vs Electricity: The differences

Solar energy and electricity are two different types of energy that can be used to power and energise a household. Whereas solar energy has been with us since the start of the day, the problem is that we’ve only recently been able to harvest it, and even now we’re still struggling with efficiently utilising the massive energy source that we’ve just now begun harvesting. As such, solar energy, despite our best efforts, remains the most viable option we have for renewable energy.

On the other hand, electricity is a discovery steeped in history, and while humans had seen lightning fall to the ground and crack in the sky, it took us quite a lot of time to harness the energy of electrons and use them to run our houses, our appliances, and now, even our cars. However, electricity is now crucial to human life; without it, the modern life that we have built for ourselves and are accustomed to wont be possible, which is why, electricity and the need for energy begets the need for renewable energy sources to be explored and utilized in order to find the balance between the need for energy and the need to conserve the environment.

The basic distinctions between the two

Solar energy, with the sun as its source, isn’t necessarily consumable energy that could double for or be used as an alternative to electricity. See, solar energy is essentially sunlight, and while this itself is a very potent source of energy, it isn’t electricity, which is what our lives are accustomed to. Solar energy and sunlight are crucial in other really important processes on the planet, including warming up the planet and maintaining the agricultural aspect of it. However, that does not mean that solar energy is electricity. It is the job of the solar panels to convert this solar energy into usable electricity, and the rest of the apparatus is installed to ensure that the energy from the solar panels is able to be utilized by the household effectively and efficiently.

On the other hand, electricity is just plain, simple electricity, energy that helps us run our homes, cars, our appliances and everything in between. Electricity is the main goal of energy requirements in the world, and as such, many sources are used by humans to generate electricity. For starters, sources like nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy and other renewable and non-renewable sources aim to produce electricity for consumption. These are the main differences between solar energy and electricity: the fact that one is used to produce the other.

Now, lets look at the savings potential of solar energy.

Solar Energy, Electricity: The savings potential

The savings potential with solar energy is incredible. Solar energy systems help a home consume more energy without paying for the extra costs, since solar energy steps in to fill the gaps between when the grid isn’t able to provide an unobstructed access to energy. Solar energy systems also offer net-metering, which enables the system to export the solar-generated electricity to the grid in return for credit towards the utility bills. All in all, the savings potential with solar energy is incredible.

Beacon Energy: The best solar company in Pakistan

Whether it’s Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, or Peshawar, the Beacon Energy network goes beyond the physical landscape. With Network Operations Center (NOC), your solar energy solution is constantly monitored, and issues are resolved remotely. With the partner application BELCONNECT, you can view important generation metrics and keep yourself in the know of your system. Beacon Energy provides all of this and more to ensure that you get the best possible solar experience from the absolute best solar company in Lahore.


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