Ongrid vs. Hybrid Inverters: Which One is Right for Your Solar System

Areeba Khalil Published on September 13, 2024

Solar energy solutions have become popular in Pakistan due to their affordability, eco-friendliness, and reliable power supply. Understanding various types of inverters is essential for making an informed decision; to optimize the performance and cost-effectiveness of your solar energy systems.

Beacon Energy, a top solar company in Pakistan, offers advanced solar energy solutions, including on-grid and hybrid inverters, ensuring high performance and reliability. The company offers different solar energy solutions to meet the diverse needs of the audience. As one of the top solar companies in Pakistan, Beacon Energy, a solar panel company in Islamabad, is committed to delivering renewable energy solutions that perfectly match your specific solar energy needs, ensuring efficiency and reliability.

Solar Inverters and Their Role in Solar Systems

A solar inverter is one of the most important components of any solar energy system. It is a device that is responsible for converting direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC), the form of electricity which you use through a solar energy system. Without an inverter, you won’t be able to utilize the energy generated from the sun as a source of electricity.

Three main types of inverters are usually used; these include On-grid inverters, Hybrid inverters, and Off-grid inverters. The most common inverters used for residential and commercial solar systems in Pakistan are on-grid and hybrid inverters.

Understanding On-Grid Inverters

An on-grid inverter or grid-tied inverter works directly with the national power grid. It is designed for a solar panel system that is connected to both your home and the power grid.

Key features of on-grid inverters:

i. On-grid inverters are more affordable because they don’t need battery storage.

ii. The setup is comparatively simpler and has lower installation and maintenance costs.

iii. The surplus energy can be sold back to the grid through a net metering system.

iv. The system does not provide backup electricity during power outages.

In urban areas where electricity supply is stable, on-grid inverters are usually preferred. This type of inverter is popular among people interested in solar panel in Pakistan due to its affordability and ease of installation. Specifically, it is one of the most preferred choices if you are looking for an affordable solar panel for home use.

Hybrid Inverters: Providing Energy Independence

A hybrid inverter combines the functions of a solar inverter and a battery charger. It can operate with or without a connection to the grid, as it works smoothly with battery storage units.

Key features of hybrid inverters:

i. Storage of surplus energy in batteries, ensuring uninterrupted power.

ii. Provide backup power during grid failures or outages, reducing grid reliance and promoting energy independence.

iii. Utilize stored energy during peak usage, lowering your electricity bills.

iv. Higher initial investment due to the comparatively complex setup involving batteries.

v. Long-term savings on energy costs and increased reliability outweigh upfront expenses.

On-Grid vs. Hybrid Inverters

Let’s outline the key differences between both inverters, to help you make the right decision.

On-Grid Inverters:

i. Works only when connected to the grid.

ii. Has no battery storage capability.

iii. Lower initial investment.

iv. Excess energy is fed back to the grid.

v. Cannot operate during power outages.

Hybrid Inverters:

i. Can work both with and without the grid.

ii. Has battery storage for energy backup.

iii. Higher initial investment due to battery storage.

iv. Excess energy is stored in batteries.

v. Provides backup during power outages.

Which Inverter is Right for You?

Let’s discuss which type of inverter is suitable for you according to your energy needs, budget, and the situation of electricity supply in your area.

I. Areas with Stable Grid Supply

If you reside in urban areas, where the electricity supply is more consistent, then an on-grid inverter is a better option for you. You can save additional cost of batteries, save money on your electricity expenses, and avail advantages of net metering. Explore the on-grid solar energy solution offered by Beacon Energy, to maximize the benefits of your solar energy system.

II. Areas with Frequent Power Outages

If you live in an area where power outages occur regularly then a hybrid inverter is more suitable for you. It will allow you to store excess energy for later use, providing you with an unlimited power supply even when the grid power is off. This makes hybrid inverters the go-to choice for people looking for solar panel for home that can handle load-shedding or other grid disruptions. Beacon Energy, one of the top and best solar company in Pakistan, offers two types of hybrid solar solutions; INTRIX (low voltage), and INTRIX HV (high voltage), providing robust and reliable energy solutions for your needs.

Choose the Right Inverter with Beacon Energy

Whether you prefer an on-grid inverter or a hybrid inverter, make the right choice with Beacon Energy. With a wide range of solar solutions, Beacon Energy is the best solar panel company in Pakistan, offering you the perfect solar energy system for your home or business. To learn more about the best solar panel in Pakistan, or inquire about solar panel price in Islamabad, visit us today at Beacon Energy and take the first step towards a sustainable, energy-efficient future.


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