How does an on grid solar energy system work

Areeba Khalil Published on March 29, 2024

One of the most popular configurations for solar energy systems in Pakistan is the on-grid or grid-tied solar energy solution. While the general understanding around the solar energy solution tends to revolve around the fact that these systems work in tandem with the grid, the greater public does not know the other details that govern how a grid-tied solar energy system works. Starting with the equipment, this blog will take you through the many relevant details of an on grid solar energy system in Pakistan and why has it become one of the most popular configurations for solar energy systems. Lets get started.

What is an on-grid/ grid-tied solar energy system?

As the name implies, an on-grid solar energy solution is a system designed to work in tandem with the electricity grid. This means that the system, in addition to generating its own electricity, will also take input from the grid, and will provide a combination of both to fulfil the energy requirements of a household or a commercial setting.

On-grid solar energy systems in Pakistan are popular as they are one of the best ways of reducing energy and utility bills and using solar energy for doing so. While off-grid systems may completely take the user off the grid and eliminate any need for them to rely on the grid, and hybrid systems may use batteries to further amplify the effectiveness of solar, with an on-grid system, the solar energy system works in tandem with the grid, meaning that should the grid experience a failure in power supply, as during a blackout, the solar energy system wont be able to provide backup power.

One of the most common misconceptions or questions that arise from the understanding of on-grid systems is how are they any different from hybrid solar energy systems? Let’s look at the answer quickly before delving into the equipment for on-grid solar energy solutions.

What makes on-grid systems different than hybrid systems?

While both systems are connected to the grid, the difference between both systems lies in the dependency of the solar energy system. You see, an on-grid system relies on the grid for power, which means that should the grid get knocked out, the solar energy system won’t be able to provide power on its own, making it unsuitable in places where blackouts are frequent and common.

On the other hand, hybrid solar energy solutions represent the best setting; they can work even during blackout conditions should ample storage in the form of batteries be provided to the system. This allows the system to store excess electricity in the batteries, and when the grid power fails, the batteries kick in, allowing solar to essentially power the premises without any input from the grid at all.

On-grid solar energy systems: What equipment is used in it? While most of the equipment is shared with other configurations, the one part of the solar energy system that is different for on-grid solutions is the solar inverter, which each and every configuration having different inverters. For example, off- grid systems will utilize heavy-duty off-grid inverters designed around the needs for that particular configuration, whereas hybrid systems use hybrid solar inverters that are adept at handling power from three different sources. For on- grid solar energy systems, the system uses an on-grid solar inverter, which uses energy from the grid and the solar panels to provide the premises with energy.

Since there is no technical requirement for storage, batteries are not included in the system makeover.

Benefits of on-grid solar energy systems

Another reason why on-grid solar energy systems are popular in Pakistan are the many benefits you get from them. Let’s take a look at the many benefits of on-grid solar energy systems.

i. Savings

The biggest advantage of having an on-grid solar energy system is the incredible savings you can get. With an on-grid system, your utility bills are reduced as your energy needs are fulfilled by both grid power and solar energy, which means that you actually use less from the grid. This allows your bills to be reduced, which incur savings.

ii. Net metering

Net metering allows a consumer to essentially hook their solar energy system to the grid, and when their solar energy system produces excess power, sell it to the grid for credit towards their utility bills. Pakistan has a robust policy for net-metering, which means that you can further increment your savings potential over time to capitalize on your solar energy system.

Beacon Energy: The top solar company in Islamabad

For the answer to the question which on-grid inverter is the best in Pakistan, we’ll refer you to the best solar company in Pakistan: Beacon Energy! With their flagship INTRIX and INTRIX HV systems, available in both on-grid and hybrid configurations, experience the best of solar with systems designed to give you complete freedom from the grid and solar efficiency.


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