Can an inverter run 24 hours a day

Areeba Khalil Published on MAY 17, 2024

Solar inverters can be considered the CPU, the main processing unit of a solar energy system. Given the fact that they are central to a solar energy system, the first question that many people have about solar inverters is about their longevity: how long does a solar inverter last? This translates to yet another question that people usually ask about solar inverter longevity: can an inverter run 24 hours a day? And if so, is it designed for constant usage, or does constant operation affect its life, shortening it down? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the particulars and answer the question whether an inverter can be run for 24 hours a day?

While it isn’t usually problematic, solar inverters are usually designed for two things: longevity and efficiency. They are designed to NOT take any breaks and constantly convert the direct current or DC into alternating current (AC). The only break that could potentially allow the system to take a rest (figuratively) would be in overcast or rainy conditions, wherein energy generated is quite low, meaning that the inverter has less to do. Let’s start by understanding the functioning of a solar inverter and then delving into running an inverter 24/7 is good, bad or does nothing for the inverter itself.

What does a solar inverter do?

At its most basic form, a solar inverter, as mentioned beforehand, has the responsibility of converting the DC from the solar panels into AC, that is then utilized by the home’s energy box. The appliances in our homes use AC rather than DC, which is why it is imperative that a solar inverter be as efficient as possible. On the other hand, there are smart solar inverters that are the CPU of a solar energy solution in the true sense of the word. Like Beacon Energy’s INTRIX smart solar inverter, these inverters go beyond just current and instead manage and govern the entire ‘smart and AI’ aspect of the solution, with modules regulating energy consumption, energy generation and many other metrics. This means that beyond just making solar energy usable, solar inverters like the INTRIX have much more crucial duties to perform, making their operation itself crucial to the entire system.

Can solar inverters run for 24 hours a day?

The simple and short answer is yes. An inverter can easily run 24 hours a day, without any fail. In fact, since inverters require energy in the form of electricity to operate, as long as the power is on and there are no issues with it, the inverter will continue performing effectively and efficiently. Solar inverters like the Beacon Energy INTRIX are designed to perform for extended periods of time, days at times, to ensure that the household or the premises where the system is installed always has access to solar energy. This means that yes, solar inverters are perfectly capable of running 24 hours a day for extended periods of time. Now, onto the question of whether or not this affects their longevity or their efficiency. For this, we need to first understand the longevity stats of regular solar inverters, and then briefly explain the factors that affect longevity and efficiency.

Solar inverters running 24/7: Does it affect longevity, efficiency?

The simple answer is no. Solar inverters are designed to run for extended periods of time, and as such, during manufacturing, special care is taken to ensure that the efficiency and the longevity of a solar inverter isn’t affected by constant operation. That being said, there are some factors that can affect both the longevity and the efficiency of solar inverters, regardless of the fact that the inverter might be operating 24/7.

Factors affecting longevity, efficiency of solar inverters Here are the major factors that affect the longevity and the efficiency of solar inverters.

i. Brand or manufacturer

Quality brands will always have solar inverters that will deliver both efficiency and longevity. Whereas less-than-ideal brands will always struggle with maintaining the quality of the manufactured product, and as a result, extended usage of the inverter will result in its life being shortened since components or materials used in the build won’t be able to handle the stress of constant operation and fail shortly afterwards.

ii. Environmental conditions

Excessive heat or moisture in the atmosphere can adversely affect the performance of a solar inverter. If said environmental condition persists, especially heat, this degrades the physical performance of the solar inverter, causing it to lose efficiency over time and lose its longevity as well.

Beacon Energy INTRIX: Smart solar solutions for maximum efficiency!

As one of the best solar energy companies in Pakistan, Beacon Energy offers groundbreaking solar energy solutions designed for maximum efficiency. With our state-of-the-art INTRIX smart solar energy solution, experience the best of solar energy, complete with the best solar panels in Pakistan. So, what’s the wait? Experience the peak of solar with Beacon Energy.


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