Can I install a Solar Energy System by myself

Areeba Khalil Published on July 12, 2024

Solar energy systems consist of three major parts, depending on the configuration of the system itself. The solar panels, the solar inverter, and, once again, depending on the configuration of the system, the solar batteries, are the three most considerable parts of the system, which require professional input in installation. And, on the grand scheme of things, you still need a professional or at least a qualified and competent electrician to help hook up the system to the energy box of the house, and then local authorities will be needed to help you connect the system to the local grid if you have net-metering enabled. All in all, this might seem like self-installation for solar energy systems is very much impossible, but is that really the case? Let’s look at the answer.

In this blog post, we will look at whether a solar energy system can be installed all by your own, or does it need to be handled by professionals who are aware of the system and its requirements. While the answer is very much clear, let us first start by saying that there have been attempts at installing a solar energy system by self, and while they have been successful, a solar energy system isn’t something that is to be taken lightly. So, lets start with whether you can install a solar energy by yourself.

Solar Energy System installation: is a DIY job possible?

First things first: Given that a person has enough technical knowledge and some practice in installation and connecting electrical connections and systems, a DIY or do-it-yourself system installation is possible to a certain extent. You see, one of the major parts of installation of solar energy systems is actually hooking up the system to the home power box, or the electrical connection of the house. This is usually carried out by trained professionals who require both time and display expertise in connecting an entire solar energy system to a premises. The fact is that while solar energy systems are really technical pieces of equipment, the installation process is usually simple. All one needs is a suitable place within the premises to install the inverter in, and then connect the batteries (if they are part of the system). This ensures that the system remains grounded, is shielded away from the detrimental effects of rain, heat, dust and other environmental, and stays within easy access for a professional team for servicing or maintenance purposes.

However, there is one part of the installation process that is actually actively discouraged by professionals as being attempted as part of a DIY job. Lets discuss that part of the job a little further to understand why the most important part of a solar energy system should be installed by trained professional and not yourself.

Installing solar panels: The main part

The main and most noticeable part of any solar energy system are the solar panels, which stand tall on the roof of any structure, ready to convert the golden goodness of the sun into usable electricity. However, with the installation of solar panels comes a very important point: Can solar panels be installed by yourself? The quick answer is no, and for very obvious reasons. While the rest of the system is usually not mounted and is only installed in the sense of connecting and hooking up to the power box of the home, installation in the proper sense of the word is used for solar panels, since they are the only part of the system that is actually installed with proper mounts and a frame designed to hold the solar panels at a specific angle.

How does a professional solar panel installation job go?

Trained professionals first calculate the angle at which the panels need to be installed for maximum solar efficacy, and to ensure that they churn out their most potential energy. Once that has been done, they first install the solar mounting structures, which will hold up the solar panels up to the sunlight. Once that is done, the solar panels will then be placed on the frame, and then connected to the rest of the system. This process ensures solid, permanent installation of the solar panels for their entire life and this also ensures that no matter how rough the weather might get, the solar panels wont be affected or damaged by the windstorm or rains that might happen.

In short, while a DIY solar energy system installation is possible, it isn’t suggested or encouraged. Always ensure that you get the best solar energy company on your case that provides exemplary solar energy system installation services.

Beacon Energy: The best solar company in Pakistan

Pakistan has been in constant energy throes for quite a long time now, and energy reliability is crucial for a developing nation. Which makes solar energy one of the most feasible options for ensuring access to clean and dependable energy in Pakistan. With Beacon Energy, one of the best solar companies in Pakistan, you can leverage the latest advancements in solar energy to maximise efficiency and get used to uninterrupted energy that is clean and dependable.


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